7 Positive Affirmations for Moms in the Thick of Sensory Overwhelm

Positive self-talk and taking care of our emotional well-being in motherhood can be challenging but it’s an essential part of managing sensory overwhelm. 

As mothers, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, managing our children's needs, and trying to create a harmonious family environment. In the midst of this whirlwind, it's crucial to prioritize our own well-being and mental health. 

As an occupational therapist who supports parents during times of overstimulation, I have a ton of tools in my toolbox so I wanted to share some of my favorite positive affirmations and mantras that I use to help calm my nervous system when the mental and physical demands of motherhood become too much. 

Let this list of quotes for moms serve as powerful tools for overstimulated moms, reminding us of our inner strength, resilience, and the importance of self-care.


I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.

Guess what? Every mom I’ve met wants the best for their children. Some days, your best might look like a healthy picnic lunch at the zoo and other days it may look like chicken nuggets on the couch while watching a movie! Every day will look different and every day the amount of energy you have will look different. 

Giving yourself the acknowledgment that you are doing your best in that particular moment acknowledges the effort and dedication you’re putting forth, given your circumstances that day.

Giving yourself this reminder on a regular basic can be comforting.


I am capable of handling whatever challenges come my way.

As moms, no two days look the same and there is so much out of our control. This mantra taps into our inner strength and resilience of mothers, reminding them of their ability to overcome obstacles.

Your child may be having big feelings and emotions and you may doubt your ability to handle them the “right” way but facing unexpected challenges or stressful situations, this mantra can instill confidence and a sense of empowerment.


My strength and resilience are greater than any moment of overwhelm.

During particularly challenging times or when feeling emotionally drained, this affirmation can provide a sense of inner fortitude and determination. You may not know the exact steps you are going to take to solve a problem or handle a sensory overwhelming experience but you have the power and strength to get through it! 


I prioritize self-care because I deserve to recharge and rejuvenate.

We’ve all heard about the importance of self-care as a way to maintain well-being and prevent burnout. When feeling exhausted or depleted, recognizing the need for self-care and making it a priority can lead to improved physical and mental health.

Self-care may not always be a spa day or a pedicure appointment. It may just be taking a few deep breaths in the pantry away from your children and that is okay! 

These small moments of sensory regulation can do wonders for our ability to handle triggering moments in our lives and this type of self-care is a great example to set for your children.


I release guilt and embrace self-compassion.

I talk about self-compassion all the time on my Instagram. Encourages letting go of self-judgment and replacing it with self-compassion and understanding.

When feeling guilty about perceived shortcomings or mistakes, practicing self-compassion can lead to greater emotional well-being. Remember, when you snap at your kids because you are so overwhelmed by sensory stimulation around you- it makes sense


My presence and love are more important than perfection.

The best way we can co-regulate with our children is to truly be present in whatever situation we are in. This mantra shifts the focus from perfectionism to being present and showing love to oneself and others.

When striving for perfection becomes overwhelming, remembering that love and presence are the most important aspects of parenting can bring relief. If we are distracted my our phones, cooking dinner, or whatever other tasks we feel like we “should” be doing, we are not teaching our children proper regulation techniques to shut out extra distractions that may overwhelm us. 


I am allowed to ask for help and support when I need it.

This one took me years to figure out. As much as we would love for our significant others, friends, and extended family to be able to read our minds and sense when we need help, they simply can’t. Seeking help and support from others is sometimes necessary, especially when we are in a stretch of stressful parenting moments where we need a break or some reinforcement.

When feeling overwhelmed or in need of assistance, acknowledging that it's okay to ask for help can lead to increased support and relief.

As you read through these affirmations, I hope you feel empowered, supported, and inspired to prioritize your well-being as a mother. Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's a necessary investment in your physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Giving ourselves self-compassion and grace, can help us during moments of overstimulation. 

If you need a more direct reminder, download my phone wallpapers for a visual reminder for what to do in these challenging moments. You can also print these out to hang on your fridge, your car, your office- wherever! 

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