The Overstimulated Parent’s Guide to Road Trips

It’s not easy sitting in traffic with your kids. I’ve got you covered with this Parent’s Guide to Road Trips. You’ll learn strategies and tools to help you not only survive the ride, but to feel calm and at ease along the way.

"Can I have a snack?"

"Are we there yet?"

"She won't stop poking me!"

"I dropped my toy!"

By far, one of the most overstimulating situations for parents is the car. I hear it time and time again from parents like you (and I experience it myself!)

So I put together this 5-page guide specifically to support you, either as a driver or a passenger, when you're overstimulated on the road!

(These strategies aren’t just for long car trips, they can also support you whenever you need, whether that’s driving your weekly trip to Costco or even traveling on an airplane with your kids!)